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STRUT SUPPORT SYSTEMS are the fast and flexible economical solution to Metal Framing & Supports that meet stringent quality requirement to provide specifiers with a flexible and versatile method of supporting building services. This full-line system includes the industry's most complete selection of channels, fittings, fasteners, hangers, pipe clamps, and accessories"".
ISO 9001:2000
At Strut Support Systems, we place the highest value on your trust and confidence in our products, people and business practices. Our products are manufactured as per ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance. Which signifies a solid commitment to the production of quality products with periodic checks to ensure maintenance of the highest standards. At Strut Support systems, it's the extra effort that counts.
Strut Support Systems is:
  • Establishing an aggressive growth strategy.
  • Your single source and partner for complete metal framing & support solutions.
  • Looking to establish a positive and growing relationship with your Company.
    SSS 1038
    SSS 1033
    SSS 2452
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